3 Commonly Asked Questions About Accessing Bore Water On A Residential Property

Having a rainwater collection tank for providing water for the home is a popular choice for many Australians. It's a great way to save money on ever increasing water bills and to have a clean and fresh water source. Unfortunately, climate conditions in recent years mean that an increasing number of people's tanks are running dry due to poor rainfall levels.

If you're relying on your tank water as the sole water source this is bad news and means that you'll be forced to buy water that's trucked to your home from water providers. For this reason, accessing the bore water that lies beneath your home is a great way to supplement your tank water and save your precious rainwater for consumption purposes.

If you're considering installing a bore water pump at your home, then here are three commonly asked questions about the process.

1. How do I know if I have a bore water supply?

The first indication that you may have a usable bore water supply is by checking with your neighbours or nearby residents to see if they have a bore water supply. If they do, then you can feel fairly confident that it may also be available on your property.

The only way to know for certain is to have some exploratory work done by a specialised bore drilling company. They'll use a combination of physical testing and water finding technology to ascertain if there is an underground water supply or aquifer that you can access.

2. How do I gain access to the bore water?

To bring the underground bore water to the surface for use, you'll need to enlist the services of a bore drilling contractor. They use specialised drilling machinery that can penetrate the ground until it reaches an adequately sized aquifer to draw water from.

Once the drilling is completed, piping will be inserted into the drilled out space to allow the water to be cleanly and efficiently drawn up to the surface. You'll also need a small electric pump which can be mains powered or hooked up to a small solar system.

3. Can I drink the bore water?

Most bore water isn't fit for human consumption because it may contain trace elements of agricultural chemicals or sewage. You can have it tested for quality but even if it comes back as safe to drink at the time of testing, this doesn't mean that it won't become unsafe at a future point. For this reason, it's better to use the bore water for other purposes and save your rainwater for consumption.

Bore water that can't be consumed is still generally safe to use for watering your garden and other household purposes. It's great for flushing the toilets, which are huge consumers of household water. Generally, it's also fine for use in washing machines, although you may find that clothes can become discoloured if there is a high mineral content in your bore water.
