2 Bold And Modern Epoxy Flooring Options For Your Home's Old Concrete Slab

Epoxy flooring is an increasingly popular choice for many Australians who are remodelling a home. The process involves adding an epoxy based resin to the top surface of a concrete floor. The resin both seals the concrete and makes it a suitable surface to have in a living space.

Epoxy flooring provides a contemporary and edgy look and is also a great way to keep your renovation budget at the lower end of the scale. By using the existing concrete slab that your home sits on, you'll save yourself a significant amount of money on new materials and construction costs.

Another fantastic aspect to using epoxy flooring in your home is the sheer variety of different looks that you can create. Here are two bold and modern epoxy flooring styles that will give your remodelling project the wow factor you're looking for.

1. Exposed aggregate

Aggregate is the name for the small pieces of stone that are a component of the concrete mix. There is no definitive stone variety that is used but bluestone, river stone and granite, or a combination of these stones, are aggregates that are commonly found in house slabs.

By first lightly grinding the concrete surface and then following up with a fine polishing sander, you'll expose and buff the aggregate within your concrete slab. Once the epoxy coating is applied, the aggregate will provide a glistening and unique to your refreshed and modern concrete floor.

2. Acid etching

For a slightly more urban or industrial look, using an acid based compound to etch the surface of the concrete is an excellent idea. This process involves using fairly toxic chemicals so it's not a task that you attempt yourself in lieu of professional concrete contractors.

The application of the acid results in an attractive patina as the acid reacts with the different chemicals and minerals within the concrete. Adding a colourant to the acid solution can further create a unique, unusual and vibrant surface pattern on your concrete which will become sealed and permanent once the epoxy coating is applied.

If you are planning to upcycle your old concrete slab during your home remodelling project and you think that one of these ideas might be perfect for your home, then contact your local concrete contractor. They can provide you with more details on the processes involved and other epoxy flooring options that they can also provide.
