How to Address Common Issues Associated With Residential Skylight Installation

Skylight windows add natural light to indoor spaces, eliminating the need for artificial lighting during the day. Vented skylights also help with cross ventilation in stuffy rooms and improve indoor comfort. However, despite their benefits, these windows present a few challenges. They can allow too much heat, facilitate heat loss from the house and suffer leaks. For these reasons, some homeowners are hesitant to install skylights in their homes.

What if there was a way to install skylights without enduring the above problems? Below are the common issues associated with residential skylight windows and tips for mitigating them.

Too much sunlight

Skylights let in natural light and brighten indoor spaces. However, too much light can sometimes be a nuisance. Sun glare and direct light can make it impossible to use certain rooms during the day. Luckily, there are steps you can take to mitigate this problem. The most important one is choosing the best location for your skylight windows.

Skylights don't need to face the sun to allow natural light into your home. Therefore, choose an orientation that limits solar glare. The sun is usually directed from the north. Therefore, install your skylights on south-facing roof sections to keep too much light out of your rooms. You can also counter excess sunlight by installing a tinted skylight window. Quality tint film blocks the sun's ultraviolet rays and prevents solar glare. It creates a comfortable indoor environment while allowing you to enjoy the benefits of skylight windows.

Heat gain and loss

Skylights are known for promoting heat exchange between indoor spaces and the outdoors. During summer, they allow solar heat gain, which increases the demand for air conditioning in the affected rooms. In winter, skylights lose heat to the surroundings, forcing you to crank up the heater. However, this problem is only common with conventional, single-pane glass skylights.

You can prevent heat gain and loss by using multi-glazed glass for your skylight windows. Multi-glazed glass has multiple sheets of glass sandwiched together but separated by a vacuum. Double-glazed glass has two sheets, while triple-glazed glass has three glass sheets. The additional glass sheets and vacuum space reduce heat transfer between the two environments. Multi-glazing can significantly lower your annual energy bills.

Moisture infiltration

Skylight leaks can expose your home to water damage and mould growth. However, leaks only occur in poorly installed and neglected skylights. During installation, your contractor should properly seal the glass frame. They should also seal the roof to prevent moisture infiltration. Besides proper installation, you need to re-caulk the skylight occasionally to combat potential leaks.

Skylight windows are great additions to a residential home. To get the most value from the windows, choose the right ones and install them correctly.
