What You Need to Know About Subdivision of Land in Australia

Property subdivision involves creating two separate blocks of land from one parent block. The two blocks will have separate titles. Many people subdivide land for development purposes. Whatever your reasons for the land division, here's all you need to know about the process.

Seek Town Planning Approval

The first step in the subdivision of land is to seek town planning approval. When you go to the local council offices, carry with you a copy of your land title and a sketch of your planned subdivision. It's crucial to seek the advice of a professional surveyor before you begin filling application documents.

At this stage, you'll be required to fill a subdivision application. This application will be reviewed by the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP). The SCAP will then hand over your application to government agencies like the Department of Planning for further examination. You may be required to pay referral fees to progress your application.

Complying With The Conditions of the Approval

If your application in stage one is turned down, a surveyor will help explain the reasons to you. Some applications are rejected because the land area is too small or not meant for subdivision. Consult your surveyor for help filing an appeal and qualifying for the next stage of complying with approval conditions.

A land surveyor will help you comply with all the conditions of the approval. This includes connecting all lots to services like the stormwater and sewer lines, constructing the required civil works and clearing the site. You may be required to pay fees to the state government agencies for new power and water connections and to demolish structures.

Survey Plan Registration

The final phase in the subdivision of land is survey plan registration. After you have satisfied all the conditions of approval, the State Commission Assessment Panel will give you a clearance certificate. A surveyor will then survey your site to set the stage for you to lodge the required documents with the Land Titles Office.

A land surveyor will help you present all the necessary documentation to the Land Titles Office. Your surveyor will submit the survey plan to the council. Once the plan is signed and sealed, it will be forwarded for registration and you'll get new titles for the subdivided land.


Subdivision of land may be necessary if you plan on developing some patches of your land or want to sell off some blocks of land. The process of subdivision involves three main stages: town planning approval, complying with the conditions of the approval and survey plan registration. It's advisable to work with a licensed surveyor to make the process of subdivision easy, flawless and fast.
